eCommerce Paid Search, PPC and SEM, and How They Can Help Your Business

These days, most business is conducted online. This includes prospecting and sales, which frequently, in today’s world, take place with very limited, if any, face-to-face interaction. The process of selling goods online is known as eCommerce. And, if you’re not already engaging in eCommerce, it’s definitely time to get onboard.

However, don’t just launch a website and start selling. While you could try that method, you’re a lot more likely to have success with the right company backing you. That right company is C0MPLÉX1. We specialize in eCommerce PPC advertising, eCommerce SEM, eCommerce paid search, eCommerce Conversion Tracking and other great options to help make you and your customers’ experience with eCommerce a major success.



PPC Advertising with Integrated Conversion Rate Optimization

PPC or pay-per-click (sometimes referred to as paid search) advertising and marketing is one of the leading ways of promotion in today’s online marketplace. Through this approach, ads are created, and what’s even better, you only pay when they are successful, I.e. when they cause someone to click on a link and come to your site. A lot of companies are great at helping you design PPC ads, but the help stops there. These companies feel that, once an ad is created, their work is done. At C0MPLÉX1, however, we understand that the work is really just beginning. Our approach doesn’t just design PPC ads to bring traffic to your site. Instead, we also integrate unique conversion rate optimization and SEO (search engine optimization approaches) to make sure that people actually interact when they come to your site. Our approach makes it so that you minimize wasting adspend for just a quick click on and off your site. Instead, you’re more likely to get people who come to your site, enjoy its easy-to-navigate design and, more often than not, make a purchase or at least make contact with your company. By combining both Conversion Rate Optimization, SEO and PPC, our approach wins out over competitors- and helps your business to do the same- time and time again.

SEM You Can Count On

In addition to our PPC services, we are also proud to offer SEM (search engine management) services. Through our SEM approaches, we promote your website in both paid and organic search, ensuring it’s at the top of the results whenever keywords related to your business are searched. We are very well-versed in how all of the major search engines work and display results. And, we use our knowledge to aid your business. Our expertise plus the fact that we combine everything we do with proven SEO techniques guarantees positive results for your business.

Call on the Expertise of C0MPLÉX1

If you’re ready to see the difference between a company that just creates advertising and one that promotes you and your business in every possible way, then contact the experts here at C0MPLÉX1. We will put our expertise to work for you, bringing in the results your business deserves to see.